The awesome co-hosts for the October 5 posting of the IWSG are Tonja Drecker, Victoria Marie Lees, Mary Aalgaard, and Sandra Cox! October 5 question - What do you consider the best characteristics of your favorite genre? Romance is my favorite genre. The best thing about reading romance is the feeling of falling in love. Adventure and fantasy are fun to experience vicariously, but love is best in my book. Some people may look down on love stories and use terms like “trashy romance novels,” but creating romance is harder than you think! Character development is more important in this genre than any other. On top of developing two main characters who are complex, compelling, and relatable, the author must create a spark between them. The reader should feel their magnetic pull in every conversation, touch, look, and interaction. Chemistry between two made-up people is no simple thing. When I read a romance novel, I can forgive plot holes, contrived situations, and typos, but I cannot do without that indescribable feeling that these two people HAVE to be together. It’s even better when the characters don’t realize they’re meant to be, but the reader knows beyond a doubt! As a reader, if I don’t feel the conviction within a few chapters, I put the book down. New Release Coming SoonI’ve seen the preliminary cover art for Heart of a Hero, and it is going to look so cool! I’m putting the finishing touches on the book, and I’m hoping to release it on November 1. I can’t wait to share this labor of love!
10/5/2022 01:39:11 pm
Good luck on the release of your book, Heart of a Hero, with hopes of stupendous sales!
Kim Elliott
10/5/2022 02:40:36 pm
Thank you!
10/5/2022 06:08:11 pm
Romance is so hard to write. Nothing 'trashy' about it. Good luck with your book!
Kim Elliott
10/5/2022 08:04:46 pm
10/5/2022 08:30:40 pm
I agree--writing compelling and believable love is hard! Romance is way out of my wheelhouse, that's for sure, ha!
Kim Elliott
10/6/2022 11:02:30 am
Happy IWSG Day!
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Falling ForeverNothing fancy, just my thoughts on the writing journey, creativity, and life in general. CategoriesFalling for the VillainLike superheroes? Love romance? This novel is for you!